SIZING HAS EVOLVED over the years AND there's always a little variability between knit batches so be sure to refer to the correct size chart below.
*** Please keep in mind that an older pair of wool pants that has been washed and worn several times is going to measure smaller than it was as a new/unwashed garment. The woolies will lose a bit of sizing after a couple of washes even if they are carefully hand washed in tepid water. The most significant changes will be in the vertical axis (length) and it's usually around 10% but can be variable depending on a variety of factors.
COMPACTNESS level indicated by X's at the bottom of each chart is an arbitrary measure meant to allow comparisons between batches.
A high degree compactness makes for a more durable but less stretchy knit while less compactness makes for a super stretchy and plush feeling knit but will render the knits a bit less rugged.

- For help determining which garment you may have purchased in the past refer to our Color Archive
- If you need more specific information about fit please just reach out to us by using the "contact us" link under "info" at the top of the page.
- FIT ALBUM- photo collection of different garment sizes worn by children w/ given stats. This is a work in progress.
When in doubt use the measurements to gauge fit. We find it useful to compare the measurements to your current favorite garments. * Keep in mind that the garments will lose a bit of sizing after 1-2 washes (mostly in vertical length). Machine-washable garments will not lose as much sizing if air dried but will reduce in size a little if you tumble them dry on medium/low.
- IMPORTANT: Sorry to keep repeating this but it is good to know so that you aren't surprised: If you have an older/used pair of Yooki it will be smaller than your new unwashed garment (in an identical garment size from the same batch). This is NOT due to an actual sizing difference. It is normal for the knits to plump up and lose a bit of sizing after repeated washings and/or tumbling dry the machine-washable garments. In general, the garments plump up more significantly in length versus width.